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Religious Education

At Upwood Primary, we are committed to our children being aware of the different beliefs and values people hold in their local environment and the wider world, in addition to a focus on the Christian faith. Our children gather information and encounter people whose cultures, beliefs and behaviours are similar to, and different from them, enabling them to develop a respectful attitude and enjoy the variety of different cultures that make up our country and our world. Children are encouraged to ask meaningful, deep questions and work in a range of creative ways to learn new information, develop empathy, and reflect on their own beliefs and values.  


We use the Cambridgeshire Agreed Syllabus to teach RE, and as such, we learn about religion and belief (AT1) and learn from religion and belief (AT2). RE is taught in discrete lessons weekly or in blocks of days, depending upon subject matter and links with other subjects or times of the year. 

In addition, several assemblies are given over to RE themes throughout the year and certain cultural events are marked with a day of activities. Visits to places of worship and from significant individuals to speak to the children are encouraged. 


Impact is measured through a triangulation of lesson observations, book analysis and pupil voice. Further assessment is accounted for by ‘I can’ statements conducted by the teacher and children together, where relevant or feasible.