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Personal Social Health Education (PSHE) including Relationships Sex Education (RSE) is at the heart of our school values and ethos and runs throughout all that we do.  

Our PSHE/ RSE curriculum aims to enable our children to become healthy, safe, independent, responsible members of society who demonstrate respect and tolerance and who are prepared to face and manage the challenges and opportunities of an ever-changing modern Britain.  

We will:  

  • Help pupils to aspire to be the best they can be, to have dreams for their future and know what is required to reach them.  

  • Provide opportunities for our pupils to learn about rights and responsibilities and appreciate what it means to be a valuable member of an ever-changing diverse society.  

  • Help them to understand and consider many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up in Modern Britain.  

  • Deepen our pupils’ understanding of the fundamental British values of democracy, individual liberty, the rule of law and mutual respect and tolerance  

  • Develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community.  

  • Stimulate, challenge and nurture children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural curiosity.  

  • Help pupils to understand the importance of their physical and mental health, understand emotions and feelings and have strategies to help them become resilient and confident, so they are ready for the transition to Secondary school.  

  • Help pupils to have a good understanding of themselves, to have empathy, an ability to work with others and to form and maintain positive relationships treating everyone equally with tolerance and respect.  

  • Teach our pupils’ age-appropriate understanding of healthy relationships through appropriate relationship and sex education.  

  • Teach our pupils about personal safety (online and off-line) and we will ensure pupils know where and how to get help if needed.  

  • Encourage all of our pupils to be the best version of themselves that they can be! 


Personal Social Health Education (PSHE) including Relationships Sex Education (RSE) is at the heart of our school ethos and runs throughout all that we do. Pupils are taught regularly timetabled PSHE / RSE lessons by a member of Upwood Primary staff with whom the pupils are familiar. Staff follow our whole school scheme to plan their lessons. This is based on Cambridgeshire County Guidance whilst ensuring the Statutory RSE curriculum is taught, whilst using planning and materials from The Kapow scheme and Art of Brilliance materials. 

The Curriculum is split into 6 themes and is taught as a spiral curriculum, so topics are re-visited in more depth to match the maturity of the pupils.  

Lessons are adapted to meet the needs of each individual class / pupils and to deal with issues as they arise. They are delivered in a way that ensures pupils feel safe and encourages participation by using a variety of teaching approaches with opportunities to develop critical thinking and relationship skills.  Assemblies, themed days, visits and visitors are used to support the teaching and are not used in place of it.  

We work in partnership with parents informing them about what their children are learning and when required, providing guidance towards resources that can be used at home.  


The impact of PSHE / RSE work that we deliver at Upwood Primary is seen through the well-rounded, confident, tolerant and independent pupils that leave us at the end of year 6. The pupils’ attitude, behaviour and demeanour around school, within lessons, at playtimes’ and out in the community demonstrates the respect, tolerance and high aspirations that our pupils have of themselves and each other. Pupils leave us ready for their next step into Secondary school and are armed with skills, knowledge and understanding that they can take forward into adulthood.  Our pupils leave us prepared for life in an ever-changing modern Britain, having the tools they need to succeed, keep themselves safe and thrive. We measure impact by the triangulation of lesson observations, work scrutiny and pupil voice. Impact is also recorded every two years with completion of the CAMBS PSHCE survey. The outcome of this all goes together to form the coming years action plans, lesson plans and evaluation of impact.