Academy Committee
Chair - Mr Jack Ashby
Parent Academy Committee Members
- Mr Jack Ashby
Only parents (includes foster parents, guardians and acting parents) who have children registered at the school are eligible to stand for election as a Parent Academy Committee Members. A Parent Governor is elected, by way of a nomination, and voting by ballot, if more nominations are received than vacancies, by all the other eligible parents at the school.
Staff Academy Committee Members
- Mr Ben Wilson (Academy Principal)
- Mrs Suzanne Sykes (PTA Link Academy Committee Member)
Staff Academy Committee Members are elected by the school staff and must be paid to work at the school, volunteers are not eligible. Both teaching and support staff are eligible to be on the Committee, but if an Academy Committee has three or more Academy Committee Members, at least one must be a member of the support staff.
Safeguarding Link Committee Members
- Mr Jack Ashby
Safeguarding Committee members are elected or appointed, but they can not be an associate member of the Committee. They are separate from the designated safeguarding lead (DSL).
Terms of Service
All Academy Committee Members are elected for a 4 year term of service. Please find below the end of term for each member.
Mr Ben Wilson - Principal
Mr Jack Ashby - 21st May 2027
Mrs Suzanne Sykes - 20th November 2026
Mrs Lucy Burks - 20th November 2026
Register of Interests
All Academy Committee Members must register any conflicts of interest. No conflicts of interest/pecuniary interests have been registered.
No Academy Committee Members have relationships with other members or staff.
No Academy Committee Members are part of a Governing Body at another school.
Thomas Deacon Education Trust - Register of Interests (
Thomas Deacon Education Trust- Academy Committees
Thomas Deacon Education Trust- Governance
Thomas Deacon Education Trust - Governance and Structure
Current Memorandum of Association
TDET Union Officials- Time take off